
Spectrophotometers (UV-Vis/NIR, FL)

Ratio Beam Spectrophotometer U-5100

Ratio Beam Spectrophotometer U-5100

ECO-FRIENDLY & CLEAN For a Beautiful Earth Product concepts underlying Hitachi's U-5100 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer is ECO-FRIENDLY & CLEAN. The Model U-5100 delivers a compact, lightweight package with remarkable power saving...
Multivariate analysis software 3D SpectAlyze

Multivariate analysis software 3D SpectAlyze

3D SpectAlyze is a multivariate analysis software specialized for various analytical data including fluorescent fingerprint
EEM® View -CMOS camera imaging system for Fluorescence Spectrophotometer-

EEM® View -CMOS camera imaging system for Fluorescence Spectrophotometer-

EEM View is a completely new concept system in the world which delivers fluorescence, reflection spectra and these images simultaneously. To make it possible, AI technology is applied to analyze data with a special algorithm*1. Th...
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-2700

Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-2700

The operation panel can be standard installed, and F-2700 be used by the Stand-alone. The space of PC can be reduced.
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-7100

Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-7100

Hitachi' s Superior Fluorescence Technology has created a new generation of fluorescence spectrometers. F-7100 is the evolution of the robust and reliable F-7000 with the latest optical technology and improved analytical performa...
Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-7000

Fluorescence Spectrophotometer F-7000

Compact system capable of performing many new functions such as sensitivity (S/N 800:RMS) and ultra high-speed (60,000 nm/min) at the highest level of its class. The application of fluorophotometry has been expanded to various fi...
UV-Visible/NIR Spectrophotometer UH4150

UV-Visible/NIR Spectrophotometer UH4150

Model U-4100, the expert in solid-phase spectrophotometry, has advanced even more. Now, Model UH4150 has emerged inheriting the reliability of the U-4100 Spectrophotometer, which boasts the total number of shipments more than 1...
UV-Visible/NIR Spectrophotometer UH5700

UV-Visible/NIR Spectrophotometer UH5700

Opening the way to the future, the UH5700, the spectroscopy specialist, handles the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared regions and strongly supports you.
Spectrophotometer U-3900/3900H

Spectrophotometer U-3900/3900H

Covers a wide variety of analysis needs from liquid samples to solid samples. Line-up of two types that can be selected in accordance with the measuring object and application. For use in a wide range of fields that focus on water...
Double Beam Spectrophotometer U-2900/2910

Double Beam Spectrophotometer U-2900/2910

Spectrophotometer mounting a large-size color LCD, which is simpler to use and higher in dependability. High resolution satisfying European Pharmacopoeia (spectral bandpass: 1.5 nm). Trace-amount measurement in biotechnologica...
Double Beam Spectrophotometer UH5300

Double Beam Spectrophotometer UH5300

The technology for spectrophotometers continues to advance.... Hitachi designs spectrophotometers encompassing technologies for the future.
Diffraction Grating

Diffraction Grating

Hitachi Diffraction Gratings Analyze a Variety of Radiations Ranging from X-rays to Infrared. Hitachi diffraction gratings are adopted in a wide range of scientific and industrial fields, e.g. large spectrograph for photobiolog...
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    Analytical Science