This ready-to-use antibody blocking and diluent buffer formulation has been optimized specifically for Opal™ and TSA® Plus immunohistochemistry protocols.
This ready-to-use antibody blocking and diluent buffer formulation has been optimized specifically for Opal™ and TSA® Plus immunohistochemistry protocols.
Catalog #
1X Antibody Diluent / Block
100 mL
This 2-in-1 antibody diluent for IHC and blocking buffer acts to minimize non-specific interaction of antibodies that can be a source of background
This formulation does not contain azide and should be compatible with all peroxidase based detection methods. Size: 100 mL.
Ready to use formulation
Convenient dropper bottle
Azide-free, does not affect HRP
Bake and Deparaffinize Slides
Bake at 60 C for one hour
Xylene wash (3x ten minutes)
Rehydrate with EtOH gradient into di H2O
Slide Fixation
10% NBF for 20 minutes
Di H2O wash
Antigen Retrieval
AR6 or AR9 MWT
Cool to RT for at least 15 minutes
Di H2O rinse, TBST rinse
PAP pen barrier
Incubate tissue for 10 minutes in blocking solution at RT
Primary Antibody
Remove blocker and add primary antibody
Rinse with TBST, then wash 3 times for two minutes each in TBST
Secondary Antibody
Incubation 10 minutes at RT
Rinse with TBST and wash 3 times for 2 minutes each
Opal Reagent
Opal fluorophore incubation for ten minutes at RT
Rinse with TBST and wash 3 times for 2 minutes each
Rinse slides with AR6 or AR9
Place slides in microwave-safe jar, perform MWT
Cool to RT for at least 15 minutes
Spectral DAPI
Use AR6 for MWT prior to DAPI for removal of any unbound fluor
Rinse slides in di H2O and then TBST
Incubate DAPI for 5 minutes at RT
Wash with di H2O and TBST two minutes each
Apply monunting medium for fluorescene microscopy for coverslip