Clifton DC1 - 300 Immersion Dip Cooler (Ambient to -20°C)
This Clifton® Immersion Dip refrigeration cooler has no temperature control, being easy to use makes this model an ideal instrument for a variety of cooling applications. The immersion cooler runs continuously provide counter cooling with bath providing temperature control.
DC1-300 immersion cooler constantly extracts heat with the stirrer or circulator controlling the actual temperature of the bath liquid.
The unit consists of a stainless-steel immersion coil (65mm diameter) on a 900mm flexible stainless steel pipe with a protective outer shield which is connected to the refrigeration unit. With NE4 series of digital stirred baths; the cooling coil is placed at the rear of the thermostirrer and does not impact on the useable area of the bath thus maintaining maximum working space. The immersion cooler designed to cool liquids 20°C or below.
The outer casing of the refrigeration unit has an anti-bacterial painted finish. It is recommended that accessory lid or spheres are used on the bath to maximise efficiency.