PhenoCode Signature antibodies, kits and reagents have been optimized and validated for the PhenoImager systems. These antibodies and reagents provide users the flexibility for panel customization. Antibodies are provided pre-barcoded. Use the Antibody Conjugation Kit for PhenoCode Signature to add a preferred marker of choice to a PhenoCode Signature panel. Use the Staining Kit for PhenoCode Signature to create and optimize a novel panel.
Antibodies for PhenoCode Signature
Choose from the list below to add your "+1" antibody into a PhenoCode Signature Panel.
Catalog # |
Product |
Size |
S6501000 |
Anti-Hu Pan-Cytokeratin (AKYP0053)-BX066 for PhenoCode Signature |
Up to 20 Slides |
S6501001 |
Anti-Hu CD8 (AKYP0028)-BX026 for PhenoCode Signature |
Up to 20 Slides |
S6501003 |
Anti-Hu CD3e (AKYP0125)-BX080 for PhenoCode Signature |
Up to 20 Slides |
S6501004 |
Anti-Hu CD68 (AKYP0050)-BX015 for PhenoCode Signature |
Up to 20 Slides |
S6501006 |
Anti-Hu Ki67 (AKYP0126)-BX047 for PhenoCode Signature |
Up to 20 Slides |
S6501007 |
Anti-Hu FOXP3 (AKYP0102)-BX031 for PhenoCode Signature |
Up to 20 Slides |
S6501008 |
Anti-Hu CD20 (AKYP0049)-BX064 for PhenoCode Signature |
Up to 20 Slides |
S6501009 |
Anti-Hu Granzyme B (AKYP0086)-BX041 for PhenoCode Signature |
Up to 20 Slides |
S6501011 |
Anti-Hu PD-L1 (AKYP0103)-BX067 for PhenoCode Signature |
Up to 20 Slides |
Kits and Reagents for PhenoCode Signature
Catalog # |
Product |
Size |
PCSP0200 |
Antibody Conjugation Kit for PhenoCode Signature |
Up to 20 Slides |
FP1609 |
1X Plus Automation Amplification Diluent |
50 mL |
ARD1001EA |
1X Antibody Diluent / Block |
100 mL |
Opal Reagent Packs |
Up to 50 Slides |
Each PhenoCode Signature Antibody contains:
- 1 PhenoCode Signature Antibody
- 1 PhenoCode Signature Detector
The Antibody Conjugation Kit for PhenoCode Signature contains:
- Filter Blocking Solution
- Conjugation Solution
- Purification Solution
- Antibody Storage Solution
- Reduction Solution 1
- Reduction Solution 2
- PhenoCode Signature Detector
- Barcode BX078
The Staining Kit for PhenoCode Signature contains:
- 1X Plus Automation Amplification Diluent
- PhenoCode Signature Diluent
- 1X Antibody Diluent/Block
- PhenoCode Signature Blocker 1
- PhenoCode Signature Blocker 5
- N Blocker
- J Blocker
- S Blocker
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