Adaptable To A Wide Range Of Products (i.e. batteries, super-capacitors, fuel cells, etc.) And Battery Chemistries
Easily Scalable To Support Capacity Expansion At Acceptable Costs
Easy To Use And Maintain Minimizing Labor Force
Customizable To Meet Varying And Evolving Customer Requirements
Easily Adaptable To Meet A Wide Range Of Testing Needs
Each Test Station Operates Independently Of The Other Positions
Can Be User Programmed To Operate In Steps Of Constant Current, Constant Power, Constant Voltage, Constant Resistance, or Voltage Scan (Cyclic Voltammetry).
With the MIMS Client software, data is easily viewed graphically with different standard graphs. Several Chart types may be displayed at the same time with the ability to store the display settings as a template. Data from different devices may be overlaid on a single chart or viewed side-by-side.
1 to 16 channels
Current Range
Per Your Specifications, currents up to 15 Amps available †
Maximum System Charge Current
Per Your Specification, up to 240 Amps
Minimum Full Scale Current
Per Your Specifications, 150 µAmps available
† Higher channel currents (up to a maximum of 240 Amps) can be supplied on systems with fewer channels.
Minimum Measurement
-2 Volts ‡
Measurement Range
Per Your Specifications, voltages up to 150 volts available
‡ Lower minimum measurements can be attained. These would need to be discussed and agreed upon.